Love to the Remembered


MACROSS Love to be Remembered

Notes: I don’t own Macross, this story will take the events in the movie
Macross: Do you remember Love

In South Ataria 2009 a ceremony was being held by the UN Spacy. The UN Spacy was
celebrating there newest and the only ship in its class, The SDF-1 Macross.

Near the cost of South Ataria, a Sea Knight chopper landed on the deck of the
aircraft carrier Prometheus. The chopper opens it door , stepping out of the
chopper on the flight deck, A Black haired young man wearing a pilot suit with
an ID written GUEST.

A crew man of the Prometheus come over and greets him and leads him to the ship
pilot’s lounge.

In the ship’s lounge a lone figure sat and waited. Ernest Rayer received an
invitation for his old squad leader, Named Roy Fokker.

Ernest Rayer age 20 was a veteran of the Unification wars. He was one little
known aces of that war and was Roy’s wing man. In Ernest’s mind he was wondering
why all the sudden his comrade in arms invited him.

Then all of a sudden pilots entered the lounge and a vid-screen appeared. A
briefing was going to be held. To Ernest’s surprise he felt out of place, just
he was going to exit the area. He saw a familiar figure entering the lounge, all
of the pilot in the room saluted.

Roy “At ease! Ok! Rookies listen up!!”

Roy explained to the pilots about the detail of this operation. Upon hearing
the details Ernest was quick thought this was Anti-UN raid. To him it made sense
where a better place to shame the United Government by ruining the ceremony of
their prized jewel, the SDF1.

All the pilots rush to the door, Ernest was just on the sidelines so not being
in the way. Then he notices a young pilot dropped his helmet and fell near him.
He picks up the head gear and hand the helmet to the black hair pilot.

Ernest “ Yours?” hand over the Helmet to Hikaru.

Hikaru “Sorry” See the other pilots. “Damn It!!! I’m going too be left behind. “
Haste fully grabs his head gear.

Ernest stood and scratches his head. Then a staff sergeant sees him.
Sergeant “ WHAT IN BLAZES!!! HEY!! YOU!! What do you think this is a pleasure

Ernest gave the sergeant a dumb folded look “Huh??”

Sergeant “ You’re a pilot right?!!”

Ernest “ Well, yes but ….”

Sergeant “Get your butt on that flight deck!! Now!!”

Ernest confused “ Yes Sir!!”

Ernest sees the last Valkyrie sortie on the flight deck. He shouted “Just

A flight crew spotted him and yells at him at him “Hey!!! Dumb ass!! Your plane
is here!!!”

Racing to get inside the cockpit of the Valkyrie. He quickly switched on the
needed panels a thought raced to his mind “ It’s just like the VF-0 but less

The plane taxied on the catapult and lunches the Valkyrie to the skies.

Meanwhile all Valkyrie fighters receive a transmission form the Macross.

At the Communications was Lt. Hayase Misa

Misa “ Delta- 1 to Skull leader. South Ataria Island is under attack by hostile
alien forces! This is not a drill! I repeat ! This is not a drill!”

Roy “ Ok, rookies !! Now is the time show all the training that we’ve did!!
Skull 7! 8! And 11!! Follow my lead!!” Then on his radar saw a lone VF-1A
trailing the rest of his contingent. “ What the……” opened a channel to the lone
VF-1A “ Where the f—k have you been !! Skull 22!! You f—king bastard!!” See the
enemies nearing his squad. He switched another comm. Channel “ This it guys!!
Try to flank your foe if you have chance!” He sees Hikaru’s VF-1A “ Oi Hikaru!!
Just follow my lead !!”

Hikaru “ Roger!!”

Roy’s VF 1S was follow by three other Valkyries . Then the quite blue sky
erupted in a chaotic battle scene.

Ernest still digesting all the yelling that Roy threw at “ Yare, Yare that’s
old Roy alright!” Five Zentradi fighter pod engaged his fighter head on. His HUD
was flashed warning that incoming missiles targeted his unit. He quickly maxed
his after burners rushing the incoming missiles, as the missiles were nearing
him, he swiftly blanks to the right and barreled roll making most of the missile
to hit each other and quickly change into gerwalk mode to shot down all of the
remaining missiles. His targeting system locked on the 3 fighter pods and
released a barrage of missiles. Destroying all 3 fighter pods. Finally
dispatched the other two enemy fighters with his gun pod.

Ernest catching his breath his radar spotted more enemy units coming near him “
Tch!! Damn persistent bastards!!!”

Roy’s Valkyrie with the support of Hikaru’s was hounding and routing any fighter
pod in their way. On the other side was Maxillian racking up the kills with his
flashy moves while saving Kakizaki behind.

Roy notices a lone Valkyrie in Battorid holding his ground with 5 pursers on
his tail. In his mind “ Not bad ….. Not flashy but efficient and no wasted
movement ….. This guy is a pro ….. Oddly I’ve seen these maneuvers before …..”
Notices Hikaru’s Valkyrie was pulling away. “ Oi!!!! Hikaru!!! I told you to
follow my lead!! Remember you’re my Backup!!”

Hikaru mumbles “It’s always like this!” he answers back “Sempai, I can’t be all
the time your back up!!” 3 enemy units engaged him. He dodges all income rounds
and used his gerwalk mode firing a couple of missile at the enemy fighters and
destroyed them. “Alright!!” Then he heard Roy’s voice.

Roy yelled “At your 6!!”

Behind Hikaru’s Valkyrie two enemy units is on collision course at him. He
quickly changes into Battroid and used its gun pod sprayed the two enemy fighter
pods. Destroying one and fatally damaging the other. The damaged fighter
explodes near Him. His battroid was thrown off course and quickly descending on
the ground.

Roy “Hikaru!!!” quickly jetted to help his “Younger brother” behind him he
quickly sensed that he’s being targeted. He used the gerwalk mode to turn a dime
and blasted the fighter pods. At his left another wave of enemy was approaching
him. “One after another!! Blast it!!!” He saw Skull 22 near the area and
radioed “Skull 22!!! This Skull leader!! Assist Skull 7!!”

Ernest “10-4!!”

Meanwhile at the Bridge of the Macross, Lt. Hayase and the rest of the operators
were having there hands full.

Misa “Delta 1 to skull squadron!! Enemy having penetrated Layer C! Area 251!!
Destroid squadron!! Reinforce Layer B! Area 200!!”

Another Sub- Tactical operator was receiving reports and assigning orders to the
other units on the field.

Lt. Junior Grade Emma Granger, Age 22 with blonde hair just freshly graduated
form officer training school, was busy updating the pilots of the situation. On
her monitor she sees two Valkyries descending. Skull 7 was falling at an
alarming rate but close near by was Skull 22.”

Ernest followed a descending Battroid he radio the pilot a number of times in
the monitor he sees the pilot was unconscious.

Hikaru felt dizzy because of the impact of the explosion he suffered a mild
concussion. In his dizzy state he still notices his altimeter. That he was
descending rapidly, He panic and quickly shifted into gerwalk. Bringing his
Valkyrie into a safe descend, and landed near the outskirts of the city.

Hikaru still felt disoriented he removed his helmet and put his hand on his

Ernest “Skull 7 !! It’s good that you’re still in one piece!!”

Hikaru “ Where’s sempai and the others?”

Ernest “ You mean Lt. Commander Fokker? Don’t worry about that guy he’s tough as
nails. Anyway, Skull 7 Status check.”

Hikaru checked his instrument panels “ All system checked out fine……… My head
still hurts …. Damn!”

Emma radioed in “ Gunsight 2 to Skull 22 what the status of Skull 7?”

Ernest “ Other than a splitting headache and a bruised ego he’s fine.” Then he
spot a few dozen battle pod coming out of the sea “ This is Skull 22 enemy
spotted! At least 20 or more unknown enemy units are near my vicinity!!”

Misa hears this “Delta 1 to Skull Leader! More enemy sighted near Area 225!
Incept at once!!”

Roy “Negative! Negative! Delta 1! There’s just too many enemy flying around
here!! I can not disengage! ” Another screen opens

Claudia “ Roy, ensign Ichijo is alright.”

Roy “Thanks Claudia, that’s a load off my shoulder. Thanks”

Hikaru still disoriented heard and saw at monitor Misa giving further order to
other squadron to going to designated areas. Still feeling disoriented and his
head throbbing with pain hearing this Brown hair woman’s voice made him felt
annoyed. He forgot to do one important thing before he speak. Is to turn off his

Hikaru “You’re so annoying, OLD LADY!!!” Then realize that what he said was on
open channel.

Everyone in the Bridge heard what Hikaru said, Misa was taken back on what he

Misa just continued to give orders but in her thoughts she was really angry.

Ernest whistling giving the impression that he not part of it “ Gun sight 2 ,
I’ll try and buy some time for the other units to prepare themselves.”

Emma “ You serious??”

Ernest “ It not I got a choice do I ? And I faced lot more dire situation than

Emma “ Roger, I’ll update you on any situations.”

Ernest’s Valkyrie in gerwalk mode was about to leave the area.

Hikaru “Wait up! I’m coming with you!”

Ernest “ ……… You sure kid? This is not a walk in the park.”

Hikaru annoyed “ I’m a soldier also!! I can fight!! I’m not a kid!!”

Ernest in mental note “This guy reminds of me when I was younger” “Ok! That the
sprit!! Let get one thing straight. Watch my 6 and I’ll guard yours ,be calm and
remember stick to your training and you’ll be fine !! Lastly don’t be sloppy!!”

Hikaru annoyed because this guy sounded like his sempai Roy Fokker “ I know!!!
Let’s just finish this !!”

Ernest “ What’s your name?”

Hikaru “ Hikaru, Ichijo I’ am an ensign.”

Ernest “ …… ……. Ernest Rayer, let’s move!!”

Two VF-1A quickly entered the battle scared city. Both Valkyrie unloaded a
couple round of missiles and most of the missile their target. Hikaru change his
unit in a Battroid mode and began engaging the Zentradi battle pod, while Ernest
still in gerwalk hovered above Hikaru’s unit. Ernest’s unit kept locking on and
blasting any incoming threat that neared them.

Hikaru spoke to himself “ That Ernest, Rayer ……… he’s different than other
pilots that I’ve meet on the Prometheus ……. He not flashy like Sempai and Max
……But still He’s good!!”

Ernest “Oi!!! Ichijo!!! What in world are idling about!!!!! There’s ENEMY UNITS
surrounding you!!!!!” There were incoming missile and he barrel rolled his
gerwalk and use the building as cover

Hikaru was stunned to see that he was going to be surrounded by five battle pods
then voice flashed in his mind.

Roy “If there enemy surround you just dodge and shoot !! After you survive you
can think it afterwards!!!”

Ernest “Be calm and remember to stick to your training and you’ll be fine!!”

To Hikaru time slowed, he reach the controls. His Battroid rolled on the
pavement dodging all of the missiles and jump jet into the air. The enemy battle
pods began barraging with laser fire. He put more power on his thrusters and did
an aerial maneuver that Fokker and his friend Max did , it’s just not as
flashy, but still did the job. He continue blasting away the Zentradi battle
pods. All the five enemy units are destroyed.

Ernest in his thoughts “ This guy has lot of potential, but still rough around
the edges”
“ Hikaru!! Not bad!! That’s the way, just keep it up!!!”

At the Macross’s Bridge, Capt. Gloval was on his chair thinking was his next
moves are, then……

Vanessa “ Captain!!! High energy beams for outer space are is going to hit South

Gloval “ What?!! Impact time??!!”

Vanessa “ 30 seconds!!!”

The rain of blue rays bombards the island. The devastation was massive, but not
one single shot hit the Macross.

Gloval “ Claudia, Damage report!”

Claudia “ Yes, Sir! The ship didn’t receive any damage! It’s unbelievable
Vanessa “Captain!!! Second of wave!!! Impact 20 seconds!!”

Two Valkyrie took cover form the blast the completely leveled 5 city blocks.

Ernest “ What the heck was that!!! No army on Earth has that kind of technology

Hikaru “ We’re fighting aliens you know!!”

Ernest with a puzzled look “ Aliens?? Like E. T.?”

Hikaru was about to tell him something then , they spotted 8 Zentradi Male power

Ernest “ Enemies!! Another class of Mobile weapon!!”

Hikaru “ They look a lot tougher than the one we’ve fought! What do we do?!!!”

Ernest “ I ‘d wish we could say we’re sorry and say good-bye, but this is not
the case.”

Two Valkyrie and 8 power armors engaged. The battle was swift and furious
exchange of gun fire missiles against laser weapon and beams. Buildings that was
use as cover quickly crumbled.

Ernest manage to down 2 power armor and damaged at least 4 , Hikaru shot down 1
and was being chase by 3 units.

Ernest “ If this keeps up …………..”

Then one of Hikaru’s pursuers was destroyed. See saw the insignia it has a Skull
and a cross bones.

Hikaru “ !! Sempai!! Max!!”

Roy “ Hikaru !! Job well done!! Max I will handle the rest!”

Max “ Ichijo, we’ll take over.”

Hikaru “ Thanks Max, Roy sempai! There’s another pilot that helped me earlier
he’s still down there.”

Roy “ You mean Skull 22.”

Hikaru “ Yes, I think he calls himself Ernest Rayer.”

Roy “ !! Rayer ……… Thanks Hikaru!! Go help Kakizaki and the rest of the Skull
Hikaru “ Roger!!!” Maxed his after burners and flew off .

Roy in his thought “ I’ll be damned!!” sees Max’s plane “ Max I’ll leave the
rest to you .I’ll support Skull 22”

Max “ Roger!!”

Ernest in his Battroid and the power armor square it off. Exchange of gun pod
and laser fire is heard. His quickly ascended in the air and caught the power
armor off guard. Both of exchanged weapons fire. In that gun fight the power
armor head was blown off, while his unit receives some minor damages. He ready
for another round then he saw a Valkyrie fighting with the power armor and
defeats it.

Roy’s Valkyrie comes near Ernest “Oi !! Fancy meeting you here!!”

Ernest “ !! Roy! You’re the last person I’d expect to see !”

Roy “ But of course, the brave and skillful commander will always look out his

Ernest “ Thank goodness I’m not under your command.”

Roy “ Well technically speaking, you are, if not I’ll have you thrown in the
brig!! HAHAHA”

Ernest annoyed “ Tch!! Then I will take it’s like old times right?? Sadly”

Then an alert flashed on all Valkyrie and Destroid squadron.

Misa “Delta 1 to all Skull units! The Prometheus took a direct hit and sunk!!
All Valkyrie and Destroid units will dock both ARMD 1 and 2”

Roy “ What!!! The Prometheus!!!”

Misa “ The Macross will use its Fold system in T minus 300 seconds all Valkyrie
Squadron is to dock will ARMD 1 and 2.”

Ernest “Fold????”

Roy “ Green horns!!! You heard the LADY !!! Go there ASAP!!!!! What are waiting
for!! Rayer!!”

Hikaru, Max and the rest of the skull squadron went inside macros.

At the Bridge.

Emma “ Lt. Hayase, This is too reckless the Fold system has been fully tested

Misa “ I know Emma, we know the risk but , the risk are lot smaller than the
destruction of the Macross.”

Emma “……………………………….”

Gloval “ All hand at your stations!! Prepare for Space Fold!!!!!”

As the SDF-1 lifted into the air a huge sphere of energy envelops the SDF 1
along a huge chuck of island of South Ataria.

It more than a week since the SDF1 space fold. The first few days was chaotic.
The intended destination was the Moon but The Macross’s Fold system over shot
the destination big time. The SDF 1 and large chunk of South Ataria was in the
far reaches of the Solar System. At Pluto. Now the SDF 1 Macross is Battleship/
a city with a population 70,000 civilians, even a ship 1.2 km will be tight

Inside The Macross in the pilots briefing room. Roy Fokker handed each pilot
there assignments, most the pilots assignments were simple patrol near the
Macross. Except for Hikaru Ichijo. He was bombarded will odd assignments usually
reserve for civil defense and construction.

Hikaru with a puzzled look “Sempai!! These assignments are not for pilots!!!
What with these assignments?!!”

Roy smirked “Well, let it be lesson to you, never insult your superior officer,
especially women officers their quite sensitive about that issue.” And laughs

Hikaru mumbling something “That – That, OLD HAG!!!!!”

Roy laughs “Hikaru, Misa is a good person, but she has a bad habit of holding
grudge. Don’t worry I’ll talk to her and put good word. I think this is getting
out of hand. And Hikaru, write a letter of apology to Lt. Hayase and I suggest
you buy something women like. Flowers or something like that. Deliver it to her

Hikaru “But…..”

Roy “No buts!!! This is an order!!!!!”

Hikaru exited the room, while Ernest enters
Ernest “Roy what kind of stunt are up to?!! I think your making the situation
more complicated.”

Roy smirking “It might beneficial for both Hikaru and Misa.”

Ernest “I think a serious person like Lt. Hayase won’t fall that lame flyboy

Roy “Anyway what ever happens I got 200 bucks waiting for me HAHAHA”

Ernest “You sly dog!!! You made a bet!! That’s why you ordered that Kid to

Roy laughing.” By the way I’ve talk with the higher ups they agreed. You’ll be
officially recognized as a pilot of the SDF 1 Macross.”

Ernest “I see what’s my rank is anyway.”

Roy “An Ensign, you’ll be leading the Apollo squad. I don’t have the details but
I’ll tell you later. Well I got business to attend.”

At the Down town area of Macross In a café Claudia, Misa and Emma where have
their break then Roy comes by and greeted Claudia.

Roy “By the way Misa about Ensign Ichijo ….”

Misa “I don’t want to talk about it.”

Claudia “Come on Misa give it a rest already.”

Roy “Misa, Hikaru can be arrogant and stubborn sometimes, but he’s a nice kid
Please give him some slack.”

Misa “…………………………”

Roy pull out a enlarge photo of Hikaru and hold it up “ Come on Misa how can you
stay angry with this Kid, look at his blues eyes it practically asking for

Claudia and Emma were trying their best not to laugh at how Roy was acting .

Misa was going to leave the table “Does he really regret it?”

Roy “ Yes he does.”

Misa “ Actions speaks louder than words. Anyway I’ll consider it .”

Roy smirking “ Yes I truly agree”
Misa leaves the café .Claudia hands over 200 credits to Roy.

Roy “ I told you it will work !! I’ve used this sure fire plan before.”

Emma “Eh? What do you mean.”

Claudia “ Its another cheap trick that Roy develop, He’ll tell a sad story that
they’ve lost a friend or brother and show a picture of this “ Brother” to a
naïve female officer. Do you get the picture.”

Emma “ That so ……… Roy Fokker.”

Misa was nearing her room then she notices someone waiting. To her surprise it
was Hikaru.

Misa in a puzzled tone “Ensign? What bring you here?”

Hikaru “ To deliver you this . Ma’am” He hands over a envelope and small bouquet
of white roses to her as he was finished giving the envelope and flowers he
saluted and exited the area.

Misa enters her room in her mind she analyzes what happen. She opened the letter
and reads it. She looks for a vase to put in the flowers.

Misa “ He can be a nice guy after all.” In her subconscious that is a growing
curiosity and attraction to Hikaru.

Notes : I was inspired to write a story after I played a Ps 2 Macross. I hope
that my ideas are ok

I’ll try to update this story ASAP. I hope you liked it